What’s your favorite platter?
Imagine if someone asks this question to one of your readers
Would you expect him to say that his favorite dish is geekblogtips.com
I mean, would you expect him to say your blog’s name when he is asked about his favorite dish
I am not mad; you can actually make your readers say it
Trust me
Read this whole article without skipping even a single alphabet and make your blog delicious
Hmmm…my mouth has started watering
For a change, I don’t want to waste a lot of your time in the introduction only so let us jump to all the points and make your blog like a fresh plate of butter chicken (sorry, if you are a vegetarian).
Design it (the presentation)

Your blog is a restaurant and you don’t want to spend some time in designing it
Answer me,
You want to take your girlfriend/boyfriend to dinner.
You reach two restaurants, side by side.
One is not so beautifully designed and the other one has a lot of pennies spent on decoration.
Which one will you enter with your girlfriend/boyfriend?
Obviously the second one, similarly your readers are like those hungry customers who want to have food (your posts) and it is your template which first attracts them and gives them the table to sit so they can order a dish (I mean, read an awesome post written by you)
You go in a restaurant and call the waiter
5 minutes passed and he waiter hasn’t yet came
10 more minutes are passed the waiter is busy attending others.
I don’t know about you but if I have to wait for the food for such a long time I would leave the restaurant and get into a better one
Guess you got my point; here your server is the waiter
If it doesn’t respond to your customers (readers) then your readers will also leave your blog, don’t they
You would also have done the same if you were in their place.
Make your blog load faster
Work with the hosting company and look for errors your readers have faced in parts of the world so they don’t leave your restaurant, sorry Blog
Posts (the dish)
I actually don’t think I need to expand this point a lot,
If your blog is a restaurant then your posts are the different type of dishes you offer,
Your posts are the things which hold the people on your blog and your readers should be served with high quality posts
And remember, if you have good ingredients in your dish then your presentation won’t matter a lot but whatever I say presentation is actually important
Yeah Ingredients, that’s my next point
What your post has in it (your ingredients)

You can never prepare a delicious dish from bad ingredients
Similarly you can never write a good post with bad parts
By parts of your post I mean, your subheads, bullets, lines, quotes etc.
If all these things are not good then I can give it to you in written that you can’t write a good post
You have to use good quality ingredients to make your readers say utterly butterly delicious
Small tip: always try to make your post scannable, like if any of your readers don’t have much time then he or she can easily go through your subheads and only read the one which actually interest him
Also, I would love to repeat, add images in your post and don’t forget to add a border or caption in the image, it actually distinguishes your image from rest of the text and draws your readers attention
Make them comfortable
Have you ever thought why there aren’t cheap chairs in a restaurant?
The owners want you to be comfortable so that you can enjoy their food
Because if you are not comfortable, no matter how good the food is you won’t recommend it to others
The comfortablity of your blog is referred to the navigation of you blog, because if your readers are not able to read the post properly they won’t visit you again even if you have super awesome content
Over to You
Now I guess you know how to run a blog and a restaurant
Please, don’t way it
No I want to thank you
Okay then if you insist you may
Thank you nishant for providing such a valuable piece of information to me and others
Really you loved it?
Thanks a lot people
Some of you have given me the response and some are still acting lazy
If your restaurant is good enough you will leave a comment and share the post with other, recommend my restaurant